Looking back is often difficult, but in my experience, it’s necessary as it helps to see the future vision. Personally, everything that I’ve worked for has brought me to where I am today, and will take me to my future.
After paying $17 for a Whole Foods salad that, just a few years ago, cost $10, I reflected on price increases, and the actual space I was in…Whole Foods. Being in the food court brought back a flood of memories, as 12 years earlier, I left my corporate job, went to coaching school and started a business.
With two young kids at home, it became clear that I needed a place to think and work. So, seated in a nice spot on the second floor of the Whole Foods food court, I got to work.
At a sunny little table in the corner, I studied, began writing my book, met with prospective clients and became acquainted with the International Coaching Federation, where I later became president of the Colorado Chapter. That same year, I encountered a major hurdle, a breast cancer diagnosis.

Even during treatment, I kept returning to my little table in the corner to think, write and reflect.
Fast forward to 2022, as I eat my grossly overpriced salad, I’m thinking about how much growth has happened in my business and life. I’m still in remission, have written two books, launched a podcast, spoke professionally all over the world and coached leaders for 12 amazing years. This reflection got me quite emotional, especially when thinking about how the support that came from family, colleagues, friends and physicians helped me.
As we approach 2023, that little corner table serves as a reminder to think ahead about what to focus on next. Spoiler alert: I’m thinking of writing another short book…
As you come upon a new year, look back at what you’ve achieved, challenges you’ve overcome and the support and joy that’s been brought to your life. From that context, think about what you’re looking forward to for the future, and then set your intentions for what you want to do next.
Every December, I create a vision board. It’s a fun but powerful activity that I use as a guide and reminder. Check out this link, if you’d like to create your own vision board.