According to a study in the February 2007 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, published by the APA (American Psychological Association), it seems that being under assertive or over assertive may be the most common weakness among aspiring leaders.

For many new leaders, insecurity within their new position can lead to actions and behaviors that are perceived by others to be under assertive.

For many, there is no formal training on how to communicate in a new leadership position. As a newly promoted manager who has to interface with more senior managers or others on the leadership team, the feeling of inadequacy or insecurity presents itself simply due to lack of confidence brought on by inexperience in the new role.

As a result, new managers may not feel comfortable speaking up in meetings or asserting themselves by voicing their opinions until they feel more at ease in their positions.

To help new managers gain confidence and learn to assert themselves, here are 5 Skills to develop:

1)    Make a list of why you were promoted.  By reviewing the reasons that you were promoted you will gain clarity and confidence in understanding why you are best suited for your new position.

2)    Spend time developing your communication skills.  Speak clearly, loud enough to be heard, believe in what you are saying, get to the point and explain succinctly how you arrived there, then check in with your team to make sure the message was received the way it was intended. Consider joining a group like Toastmasters to help you with public speaking.

3)    Communication is not just about speaking; it’s also about body language.  Stand tall, hold your head up and be sure to make eye contact.

4)    Schedule meetings with supervisors, and others on the leadership team to get a clear understanding of how decisions are made and what is typically expected.

5)    Believe in personal development, read books like, Strength Based Leadership, take a course, find and internal mentor or engage an executive coach.

It takes time for new managers to build confidence and feel secure in their new roles, that’s why it’s important to work on personal development and….patience.

Stephanie Wachman, Executive Coach,, 720-232-3693
© Life In Balance LLC

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